I love the pictures!
KEEP IT UP MOM...YOU GOT THIS!!! and yes I met the girl that served
with Megan...we talk a lot and it is so nice!! I miss the family
a lot but I know that everyone is happy for me to be out here and I LOVE IT!!
The days are long and longer but this week went by so fast! I love my
calling too...I basically make sure everyone is happy and get to talk to all
the new people!! They all love me cause I comfort them and help them!!
This week not that much happened...the usual get up, eat, teach,
study, eat, teach, practice, study, and sleep!
But Wednesday we went...PROSELYTING!!!!! It was so much fun!

prayed SUPER hard to have no fear going out into downtown Sao Palo and talking
to people that I barely understand about what I believe with copies of the Book of Mormon in
my hand! My prayers were answered...I
have never been so not scared to
talk to strangers! It was the coolest experience! We rode the omnibus into
downtown and that was crazy! I gave a lady a book of Mormon and she said she
was really grateful for it! She said she
was really impressed that someone so young was sharing the gospel and talking about
Jesus Christ! Side note: the Brazilians are so open and welcoming when it comes
to talking about Jesus Christ and God!! I am so grateful for that!! My comp and I gave out 6 Book of Mormons and
got about 8 contacts to follow up on! Our Instructor Irmao Bakr was with us to
help us and basically protect us from all the drunks and high crazy people
walking around!! Oh what a humbling experience!! But I met some amazing people
and they all were so surprised that we have only been here for 3 weeks...and we
can keep up a conversation in Portuguese!! I am just so happy to be her! Irmao
Bakr later told us that out of all the people that we contacted and got
information from, at least 1 person would for sure be baptized!! That is when
it hit me! These are the people that I
am helping! When I was out proselyting I just smiled and talked to everyone I
saw and shared the gospel with them and why I flew a Bazillion miles away from
home to share something that makes me happy! It was just so amazing!! I just
want to tell everyone that the power of prayer is amazing!! If you have faith
that you will receive your answer and that you trust in the Lord, you will get
a response!! I prayed so hard to have no Fear when I went out to talk to
people... and I didn´t! Not one ounce!! It was truly so amazing! Definitely a
moment I will never forget! I love being a missionary and helping others come
unto Christ!! I miss you all and I miss being with family and friends, but I’m making new family and friends here and I’m helping others be
with their family for eternity! Have an amazing week!! I love you all!! This week was long but Wednesday was
amazing!! I love you and I am so happy to be a missionary that is called of
god! Moroni 8:3 (Moroni 8:3)
My mailbox number is 28
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