aww...I’m so grateful for our amazing family!!! I got that small
package from Danny with all the fam giving me advice!! I started to cry right
then and there when I opened it and realized what it was...seriously kind of embarrassing
because I started to cry a little bit in front of everyone in the secretario!!
lol typical!! I wasn’t crying because I was sad, but because of how blessed I
am and how grateful I am to have such an amazing family who loves and cares
about me and that I can be with my family forever...How perfect is The Plan of
Salvation..minha nossa!!!! haha seriously!!!
This week was good...a lot of hard work and a little stressful!! So
we are starting a Resgate for our ward!! WE have over 500 members but an
average frequencia of about 70. This past week we had 56 people at church!!
it´s kind of sad!! BUT...this guy from the stake is seriously THE BOMB!! He is
really intimidating but he is really fulfilling his calling...he is so
spiritually strong and knows what he needs to do and how to do it in order to
help this ala!!! BOOM...he is seriously an answer to our prayers! So yeah we
have over 500 members and about 80 come every week, so our mission is to find
out if the people in our ward are even still alive and or living in our area! A
lot of the names and information that we have for people don’t even have an
address!! yeah it´s kind of a daunting task to find these people that have
barely any information to their name!! The problem is that not a lot of people
do their visiting teaching or home teaching; like in the past 10 years! so this
list is way outdated and a lot of people have moved or past away or just fallen
away from the church because of the lack of support from the ward!!
but yeah so that one of the callings that we have now, to visit and
find people in our ward, to see if they are still living in the address that we
have in the ward records, or if they past away; its seriously so daunting to
see the amount of work that we have to do (us and the members of our ward and
Moroni 6:4-6: the importance of going to church every week!!!

was Jiff but it was the closest thing to American peanut butter here so I
enjoyed every minute of it!!! (I miss peanut butter and pretzels a lot)
Oh, I’m such a ding-a-ling!!1 seriously EVERYDAY I trip about
45267389542736489 times. Not just like aww man stubbed my toe, but like I go
flying and of course my reaction is to scream `wooaahh`haha it´s just really
funny at times!!
Gabriel: a kid that we met when we were walking past his house...I
said Olá and he started to speak English to me and sister Trage ...haha is my
accent that bad orrrr do you just like to speak English with whomever!! haha kind
of funny...but yeah we are going to start teaching him this week! (he actually
called us to let us know that he wouldn’t be home the time that we set up an
appt. with him.... I was like HALELUJAH THANK YOU because NO one does that!!)
So I forgot that this week was Thanksgiving...Sister Rios called me
and said Happy Thanksgiving to me and I was like uhhh today´s
thanksgiving????!!! Haha Hilarious, but I just don’t have time to think about that
other stuff...BUT NATAL (Christmas) WILL BE HARD FOR ME!!!! Todo munda has
lights up and Christmas trees and ugh it´s just really trunky!!
I ate a mango off the ground yesterday (DREAMS COME TRUE)) and it
Have a great week!!
I’m reading 2 Nephi right now words of Isiah. In Portuguese. I’m
just kinda lost and confused but oh well haha!! keep on reading the book of Mormon,
it is true, I have no doubts! It is the word of God and it is perfect!!
-sister talentino
-tell juliana and Lilly that I like cupuaçu :)