
Week 59 -Training on the Importance of the Book of Mormon


This week was great. The last week on the transfer! on Thursday we had a conference with our Zone and President Colleoni came to give a training with us. Sister Pinheiro and I had to give training to the Zone and to the Sisters! It was a little stressful but it all turned out! We gave a training on the importance of the Book of Mormon and how we can use it more in our teaching! I had a really great and spiritual experience.
It was during a practice and I was the investigator...we talked about the importance of reading, explaining, applying and testifying with the investigator in specific with the problems that they have. and the questions that we gave Sister Garcia to answer was, why does god let bad things happen...and I said that one of my good friends died, and that he was a good person and didn’t do anything wrong, so why did he have to die.?
All of a sudden I thought of Beth. Without planning it.and Sister Garcia opened up Alma 40 and started to teach and read with me and testified to me that God is just and that my friend is in a place of peace and happiness...It was just another experience that God let happen in my life to give me more comfort! It was just really great!!
I love that in my mission I can feel the spirit daily. Sometimes it´s hard, but it is all worth it!! 
WE had a baptism this week too. Her name is Priscilla, and she has 14 years! She is just sooo sweet:) She was so excited for her baptism. She went to church in a white dress, and her maquiagem was just so pretty!!! LOVE HER!

but yeah...I feel like the time is flying by so fast and after this transfer I have 3 more transfers...crazy how life just flies by!!:)
I love this Gospel! I am so excited for Conference and to have that spiritual recharge to keep pushing through the hard times!!!
have a great week!!! I LOVE YOU 
-Sister Talentino

oh mom...one of the things that I would love to happen when I get home is to go to a Cavs game.... let me know if you could hook me up with some tickets???

Got my new purse from the Vasquez family from my home ward!  Thank you!

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